Phoenix Bio




2015年 11月22日(日)~24日(火)に福岡国際会議場(福岡市博多区)にて開催の第63回日本ウイルス学会学術集会にてPXBマウス・PXB-cells関連研究発表がありましたので、ご案内申し上げます。

Lack of infectivity of HBV in feces from patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection, and infection using chimeric mice

    Komatsu, H. Inui, A. Murano, T. Tsunoda, T. Sogo, T. Fujisawa, T.

    BMC Res Notes. 2015 Aug 20;8:366. doi: 10.1186/s13104-015-1337-z.

    Characterization of novel entecavir resistance mutations

      Hayashi, S. Murakami, S. Omagari, K. Matsui, T. Iio, E. Isogawa, M. Watanabe, T. Karino, Y. Tanaka, Y.

      J Hepatol. 2015 Sep;63(3):546-53. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2015.03.020. Epub 2015 Mar 25.

      Association between hepatitis B virus and MHC class I polypeptide-related chain A in human hepatocytes derived from human-mouse chimeric mouse liver

        Sasaki, R. Kanda, T. Wu, S. Nakamoto, S. Haga, Y. Jiang, X. Nakamura, M.

        Shirasawa, H. Yokosuka, O.

        Journal: Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015 Jul 23. pii: S0006-291X(15)30332-6.

        doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.07.102.

        4′-modified nucleoside analogs: Potent inhibitors active against entecavir-resistant hepatitis B virus

          Takamatsu, Y. Tanaka, Y. Kohgo, S. Murakami, S. Singh, K. Das, D. Venzon, D.  J. Amano, M. Kuwata,N. Aoki, M. Delino, N. S. Hayashi, S. Takahashi, S. Sukenaga, Y. Haraguchi, K. Sarafianos, S. G. Maeda, K. Mitsuya, H.

          Journal: Hepatology. 2015 Jun 29. doi: 10.1002/hep.27962.

          Postexposure Prophylactic Effect of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)-Active Antiretroviral Therapy against HBV Infection

            Watanabe, T. Hamada-Tsutsumi, S. Yokomaku, Y. Imamura, J. Sugiura, W. Tanaka, Y.

            Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2015 Feb;59(2):1292-8.

            Discovering novel direct acting antiviral agents for HBV using in silico screening

              Murakami, Y. Hayakawa, M. Yano, Y. Tanahashi, T. Enomoto, M. Tamori, A. Kawada, N. Iwadate, M. Umeyama, H.

              Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015 Jan 2;456(1):20-8.

              Novel robust in vitro hepatitis B virus infection model using fresh human hepatocytes isolated from humanized mice

                Ishida Y, Yamasaki C, Yanagi A, Yoshizane Y, Fujikawa K, Watashi K, Abe H, Wakita T, Hayes CN, Chayama K, Tateno C

                Am J Pathol. 2015 May;185(5):1275-85. doi: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2015.01.028. Epub 2015 Mar 17.

                The RNA sensor RIG-I dually functions as an innate sensor and direct antiviral factor for hepatitis B virus

                  Sato, S. Li, K. Kameyama, T. Hayashi, T. Ishida, Y. Murakami, S. Watanabe, T. Iijima, S. Sakurai, Y. Watashi, K. Tsutsumi, S. Sato, Y. Akita, H. Wakita, T. Rice, C. M. Harashima, H. Kohara, M.Tanaka, Y.Takaoka, A.

                  Immunity. 2015 Jan 20;42(1):123-32.

                  Validation of cross-genotype neutralization by hepatitis B virus-specific monoclonal antibodies by in vitro and in vivo infection

                    Hamada-Tsutsumi, S. Iio, E. Watanabe, T. Murakami, S. Isogawa, M. Iijima, S. Inoue, T. Matsunami, K. Tajiri, K. Ozawa, T. Kishi, H. Muraguchi, A. Joh, T. Tanaka, Y.

                    PLoS One. 2015 Feb 18;10(2):e0118062.

                    Human microRNA hsa-miR-1231 suppresses hepatitis B virus replication by targeting core mRNA

                      Kohno, T. Tsuge, M. Murakami, E. Hiraga, N. Abe, H. Miki, D. Imamura, M. Ochi,

                      H. Hayes, C. N. Chayama, K.

                      J Viral Hepat. 2014 Sep;21(9):e89-97. doi: 10.1111/jvh.12240. Epub 2014 May 16.

                      Cyclosporin A and its analogs inhibit hepatitis B virus entry into cultured hepatocytes through targeting a membrane transporter, sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP)

                        Watashi, K. Sluder, A. Daito, T. Matsunaga, S. Ryo, A. Nagamori, S. wamoto, M. Nakajima, S. Tsukuda, S. Borroto-Esoda, K. Sugiyama, M. Tanaka, Y. Kanai, Y. Kusuhara, H. Mizokami, M. Wakita, T.

                        Hepatology. 2014 May;59(5):1726-37.

                        Severe necroinflammatory reaction caused by natural killer cell-mediated Fas/Fas ligand interaction and dendritic cells in human hepatocyte chimeric mouse.

                          Okazaki A, Hiraga N, Imamura M, Nelson Hayes C, Tsuge M, Takahashi S, Aikata H, Abe H, Miki D, Ochi H, Tateno C, Yoshizato K, Ohdan H, Chayama K.
                          Hepatology. 2012 Aug;56(2):555-66.

                          Effects of hepatitis B virus infection on the interferon response in immunodeficient human hepatocyte chimeric mice.

                            Tsuge M, Takahashi S, Hiraga N, Fujimoto Y, Zhang Y, Mitsui F, Abe H, Kawaoka T, Imamura M, Ochi H, Hayes CN, Chayama K.
                            J Infect Dis. 2011 Jul 15;204(2):224-8.

                            Transmissibility of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection through blood transfusion from blood donors with occult HBV infection.

                              Yuen MF, Wong DK, Lee CK, Tanaka Y, Allain JP, Fung J, Leung J, Lin CK, Sugiyama M, Sugauchi F, Mizokami M, Lai CL.
                              Clin Infect Dis. 2011 Mar;52(5):624-32

                              Cross-species transmission of gibbon and orangutan hepatitis B virus to uPA/SCID mice with human hepatocytes.

                                Sa-Nguanmoo P, Tanaka Y, Ratanakorn P, Sugiyama M, Murakami S, Payungporn S, Sommanustweechai A, Mizokami M, Poovorawan Y.
                                Virus Res. 2011 Jun;158(1-2):209-15

                                HBx protein is indispensable for development of viraemia in human hepatocyte chimeric mice.

                                  Tsuge M, Hiraga N, Akiyama R, Tanaka S, Matsushita M, Mitsui F, Abe H, Kitamura S, Hatakeyama T, Kimura T, Miki D, Mori N, Imamura M, Takahashi S, Hayes CN, Chayama K.

                                  J Gen Virol. 2010 Jul;91(Pt 7):1854-64.

                                  Absence of viral interference and different susceptibility to interferon between hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus in human hepatocyte chimeric mice.

                                    Hiraga N, Imamura M, Hatakeyama T, Kitamura S, Mitsui F, Tanaka S, Tsuge M, Takahashi S, Abe H, Maekawa T, Ochi H, Tateno C, Yoshizato K, Wakita T, Chayama K.
                                    J Hepatol. 2009 Dec;51(6):1046-54. Epub 2009 Sep 23.

                                    A genetic variant of hepatitis B virus divergent from known human and ape genotypes isolated from a Japanese patient and provisionally assigned to new genotype J.

                                      Tatematsu K, Tanaka Y, Kurbanov F, Sugauchi F, Mano S, Maeshiro T, Nakayoshi T, Wakuta M, Miyakawa Y, Mizokami M.

                                      J Virol. 2009 Oct;83(20):10538-47.

                                      Direct cytopathic effects of particular hepatitis B virus genotypes in severe combined immunodeficiency transgenic with urokinase-type plasminogen activator mouse with human hepatocytes.

                                        Sugiyama M, Tanaka Y, Kurbanov F, Maruyama I, Shimada T, Takahashi S, Shirai T, Hino K, Sakaida I, Mizokami M.
                                        Gastroenterology. 2009 Feb;136(2):652-62