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Titration of hepatitis B virus infectivity in the sera of pre-acute and late acute phases of HBV infection: transmission experiments to chimeric mice with human liver repopulated hepatocytes.

    Tabuchi A, Tanaka J, Katayama K, Mizui M, Matsukura H, Yugi H, Shimada T, Miyakawa Y, Yoshizawa H.
    J Med Virol. 2008 Dec;80(12):2064-8.

    Characteristics of hepatitis B virus genotype G coinfected with genotype H in chimeric mice carrying human hepatocytes.

      Tanaka Y, Sanchez LV, Sugiyama M, Sakamoto T, Kurbanov F, Tatematsu K, Roman S, Takahashi S, Shirai T, Panduro A, Mizokami M.
      Virology. 2008 Jul 5;376(2):408-15. Epub 2008 May 13.

      Susceptibility of chimeric mice with livers repopulated by serially subcultured human hepatocytes to hepatitis B virus.

        Utoh R, Tateno C, Yamasaki C, Hiraga N, Kataoka M, Shimada T, Chayama K, Yoshizato K.
        Hepatology. 2008 Feb;47(2):435-46.

        Early Dynamics of Hepatitis B Virus in Chimeric Mice Carrying Human Hepatocytes Monoinfected or Coinfected with Genotype G

          Sugiyama M, Tanaka Y, Sakamoto T, Maruyama I, Shimada T, Takahashi S, Shirai T, Kato H, Nagao M, Miyakawa Y, Mizokami M.
          Hepatology. 2007 Apr;45(4):929-37.

          Influence of Hepatitis B Virus Genotypes on the Intra- and Extracellular Expression of Viral DNA and Antigens

            Sugiyama M, Tanaka Y, Kato T, Orito E, Ito K, Acharya SK, Gish RG, Kramvis A, Shimada T, Izumi N, Kaito M, Miyakawa Y, Mizokami M.

            Hepatology. 2006 Oct;44(4):915-24.

            Emergence of a Novel Lamivudine-Resistant Hepatitis B Virus Variant with a Substitution Outside the YMDD Motif

              Yatsuji H, Noguchi C, Hiraga N, Mori N, Tsuge M, Imamura M, Takahashi S, Iwao E, Fujimoto Y, Ochi H, Abe H, Maekawa T, Tateno C, Yoshizato K, Suzuki F, Kumada H, Chayama K.
              Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2006 Nov;50(11):3867-74. Epub 2006 Sep 18.

              Infection of Human Hepatocyte Chimeric Mouse With Genetically Engineered Hepatitis B Virus

                Tsuge M, Hiraga N, Takaishi H, Noguchi C, Oga H, Imamura M, Takahashi S, Iwao E, Fujimoto Y, Ochi H, Chayama K, Tateno C, Yoshizato K.

                Hepatology. 2005 Nov;42(5):1046-54.